Between 10-11 hours a day increased sleep aptness for 8 hours then sleep. Many think that sleep is a great exercise to increase the work quality and enthusiasm.
He feels that there is no alternative to better sleep for people of all ages to bring enthusiasm. The German Life Coach, Chilien Marcark, has given a lot of suggestions for the great sleeping in his Linked-In Post. With that advice, you can roam your sleep tonight from tonight.
Create a sleeping environment
Depending on where you are sleeping, depending on how good it is to sleep. Young people usually have to avoid habits that go to sleep on a sofa or wherever. Good sleep does not just cut fatigue, your strength comes back - it should be taken care of. So keep in mind that sleeping in the house is a bit cold. Many problems of insomnia can be avoided in the cold room. Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine think that the temperature of the room is 19 to 22 degrees Celsius. Be careful, do not sleep in the closed room. Wind movement is normal in the room while sleeping in the room.
How much sleep in the dark?
By running the computer, many of us fall asleep in the table or when we leave television, I do not get it. Sleeping in the darkroom is very useful for the normal operation of our body's physiological cycle. Melatonin increases in the body of the dark room, which can easily go to sleep. Those who love to travel or sleep in a light place, they can create the dark environment by using black clothes on the eyes. Try two hours before sleeping in no way to use blue lighted electrical devices. Make a habit of reducing the brightness of the laptop computer or mobile phone in the night.
Sunlight for better sleep!
Vitamin D is produced in our body by the effects of sunlight. Vitamin D is converted into serotonin, melatonin is produced from serotonin. It is not right to work for the dark days all over the place. Try to walk under the light of the sun or exercise in the morning or in the afternoon.
Apple vinegar and honey are used for insomnia
Many life coaches of America think that playing an hour before sleeping apple vinegar and honey can be avoided by insomnia. Many stars, including Arnold Schwarzenegger, spent their insomnia on drinking two tablespoons of apple vinegar, one spoon honey mixed with hot water regularly.
Meditation before sleeping
You can practice meditation for ten minutes every day before sleeping and fatigue.
Away from the mobile phone
When we go to bed for sleeping, it can be seen for 1 to 2 hours, we are again lost in the one and a half inch screen of the mobile phone. Keep your mobile phone at least 10 feet away from the pillow while sleeping for your own positive life.
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